Press archive

 Archive of Press and Reviews
Interview by Happy Chaos voor podcast over Seks en Politiek, march 2022, (In Dutch)
Interview by Eve Qiao for “Too sexy to tell” :  Varsity story about extreme censorship in China of gay-themed erotica, march 15, 2022.

“De Ontzetting Voorbij” recensie door A. Van De Meij of Radicaal-Rechte Seks and Nikki Sterkenburg’s Maar Dat Mag Je Niet Zeggen , Dutch Review of Books


 Ida Dequeeker recensie Radicaal-rechtse Seks in Dewereld Morgen


Recensie Radicaal-rechtse seks in Aff verzet, april 9, 2021 (In Dutch)


Annedieke Kuchler in Reporters Online over Radicaal-rechte Seks

Interview met Paul Demeyer in het Nieuwsblad over Radicaal-Rechtse Seks , march 7, 2021, (in Dutch)
Interview met Stavros Kelepouris in DeMorgen Radicaal-Rechtse Seks, march 10, 2021 (in Dutch)

Interview (oct 2019) by Josie Wong for Bloomberg Asia about the use of the meme Pepe the Frog in Hong Kong


Interview (oct 2018) on the Belgian Radio “Interne Keuken”  about Seks and far-right/alt-right activism


Video of my lecture organized by Kifkif, and with afterword by Florian Cramer, on the “Sexual Fantasies and Frustrations of the Extreme Right,” followed by q and a with audience.


Interview in South China Morning Post about the Popularity  of Hentai Porn in Hong Kong, august 29, 2018, by Chermaine Lee


Book review in Screen Bodies of The Afterglow of Women’s Pornography in Post-digital China by Ling Tang


 Initium_august2017 Overview of my porn research by Lu Yang Joy in Initium, August 2017. Photos by LamChunTung


Book review (dec 2016) of  The Afterglow of Women’s Pornography in Post-Digital China in Porn Studies by Gemma Commane


Boy’s Love in Hong Kong and China research featured in the Swiss news magazine L’Hebdo (in French)


Interview by China Daily (Hong Kong Section) about VR Porn in China


Interview by Louise Bak for Sex City Toronto


OCTOBER 2015 Cited in a story in the Economist about Chinese Online erotic literature and slash fictions.


AUGUST 2015 Book review and Interview with Charlotte Middlehurst in Time Out Shanghai/Beijing


JULY 2015 Book Review and Interview in Flamingo Shanghai of The Afterglow of Women’s Porn In Post-Digital China (June 2015) by Sam Gaskin.


JAN 2015 Leslie Anne Jones in Kernelmag about the “real” Chinese sex revolution and its relation to feminism.


JULY 2014 Interviewed by Christian Scheinpflug about pornography studies and superpower politics for the website e-international relations


AUG 2014 Arthur Tam about my research on Boy’s Love in Time Out Magazine.


MAY 2014 Interviewed by Didi-Kirsten Tatlow for the New York Times about the crackdown on the Boy’s Love subculture (danmei), or young Chinese women who write gay erotica stories


Review of People’s Pornography by Earl Jackson in The China Review, vol 13. no2 (2013)


Review of People’s Pornography by Lucetta Kam in China Information (2013)


Review of People’s Pornography by Giovanna Maina in Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, Vol 10.1, May 2013



Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore in NYT times article about China’s “naked hipocrisy”


Research for People’s Pornography featured in  the French radio program France Culture, a special edition about sexuality and pornography in Indonesia, China and Egypt, January 2013. In French


Audiorecording of my talk for Transmediale Berlin 2010–Pornography, Paranoia and Patriotism!


Subashini Navaratnam reviews People’s Pornography in


Randy Malamud discusses sex 2.o and People’s Pornography in the Chronicle of Higher Education.


Peter Teffer blog and article for Wordt Vervolgd (Dutch Journal for Amnesty International–In Dutch)


Maria Manoli about my book and Chinese porn for


Chris Ip about my book and the website Adult Friend Finder in South China Morning Post, Nov 27 2011.


Lin Meilian about People’s Pornography and DIY porn in The Global Times, oct 2011.


Peter Foster about People’s Pornography and Confucian Confusion in The Telegraph, sept 2011


Sebastien Le Belzic about People’s Pornography in, jan 2012. In French


Robin Peckham review for Digicult, oct 2011



Bergstrom Trends, a blog investigating consumer trends in new China, discusses my book in a news item on Chinese Youth and their reliance on pornography as sex education, oct 211.


Interviewed by Ronald Yick and Oiwan Lam for Global Voices Online sept 2011.


People’s Pornography in the Wall Street Journal (Beijing) sept 2011


Interviewed by James Griffith for August 2011


Interviewed by Paris Huang  for Voice of America (in Mandarin) July 2011


Interviewed by Sam Leese  for April 201


Oct 2009, Time Out Hong Kong, the shortest interview ever.


Oct 2009 Time Out Hong Kong, mentioned in the sex issue.


Nov 2009, about Extraordinary Dresscode: Costuming and the Second Skin in Asia, Time Out Hong Kong.


July 2008, Inside Asian Netporn (Toro Magazine, Canada)


August 2001, Ned Rossiter Interviews Libidot, 2001


October 2001, Ned Rossiter Investigates Seizure of Sexy Flowers, 2001


November 2002, ‘Publiek moet grens tussen kunst en porno mee bepalen’ _ De Morgen


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