Selected Essays:

De hunkering naar een archaïsch en flonkerend patriarchaat. De seksuele contrarevolutie, ook in de Lage Landen? (In Dutch) (2023) In Septentrion (en Français). The Sexual Counter-Revolution Has reached the Low Countries (in English)

The Ageing Feminist who Died (and came back)(2022) In DiGeSt: Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies, University of Ghent.

The Pepe The Frog Image-Meme in Hong Kong: Visual Recurrence and Gender Fluidity at the LIHKG Forum (2022) Journal for Digital Social Research, Katrien Jacobs, Degel Cheung, Vasileos Maltezos and Celia Wong.

Pepe the Frog, Emotion Politics and Gender Inclusivity at the Hong Kong Anti-Extradition Movement, (2022) Chapter 4 of K.jacobs Tit-for-Tat Media, Routledge

“Send Them to Mars” Boys’ Love Erotica and Civil Rights in Hong Kong, (2022) Katrien Jacobs and Han Hau Lai, Chapter 6 of James Welker ed. Queer Transfigurations

Smouldering pornographies on the Chinese internet (2018, Porn Studies)

Women’s Sex/Porn Sanctuaries and Social Movements in Hong Kong and San Francisco (2018, Porn studies)

Disorderly Conduct: Feminist Nudity in Chinese Protest Movements (2016, Sexualities)

Potency and Protest on the Chinese Internet. Excerpt from People’s Pornography. Published by Berfrois, 2012

Hong Kong Subterranean Journey into Cross-Dressing and Transsexualism Excerpt from Wandering Dolls: Cosplay Journey Across East-Asia (Published by Berfois, 2011)

‘Impersonating and Performing Queer Sexuality in the Cosplay Zone,‘ In Participations, Nov 2013

‘Sex Scandal Science in Hong Kong’ In Sexualities: Studies in Culture and Society, 12 (5), pp. 605-612, 2009

Make Porn, Not War’ In Jussi Parikka and Tony Hampton eds. The Spam Book: On Viruses, Spam, and Other Anomalies from the Dark Side of Digital Culture (New Jersey: Hampton Press) pp 181-193, 2008.

Negotiating Contracts and Singing Orgasm‘ First published In Spectator, Vol 24. no 1, Spring, 2004 an expanded, Chinese version

Queer Voyeurism And The Pussy-Matrix In Shu Lea Cheang’s Japanese Pornography In Mobile Cultures: Queer Asia and New Media, Duke University Press

Masochism First published in Luk Van den Dries ed. BodyCheck Amsterdam, Rodopi, October 2001.

Performance Art Statement on Vietnam First Published In Focusing the Vietnam Era, University of Seville, March 2001.

Black Magic Does Not Swallow, My curatorial response to a highly censored festival in Mechelen, Belgium, 2001.

Lady of Little Death  First published in Wide Angle, vol 19.3, 1997

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