Short documentaries

Hong Kong Women Fillmmakers Entry

(2011)  Visit to My Fantasy Family

The  journey of two researchers to a special museum of ball-jointed dolls in Kyoto, Japan.

(2009)  Interview with Hong Kong Cross-dresser and Cosplayer Martin/Maggie

(2008) What is Wrong With Your Pron, Hong Kong?

It is often  mentioned in local newspapers and magazines that Hong Kong performs badly in the bedroom. Is it true that Hong Kong has lost its sex drive? I use my camera to zoom in on Hong Kong people’s “porn stories,” their drive towards post-human hedonism or multiple personalities.

(2008)  On The Japanese Doll Complex


The film documents the emergence of extremely beautiful ornate dolls that play host to their owner’s emotional and sexual desires, which has spawned a sub-culture of erotic doll photography and costume play.

(2008) Raw Data (Trailer)

 Short film about sex researchers in search of “raw data” in Hong Kong

(1997)  Art and Ethnographic Mythologies, Joseph Beuys

This  movie is based on historical footage of Joseph Beuys’s visit to the USA and his 1974 performance with the coyote ‘I like America and America likes Me.’ It also includes an interview with art historian Jack Burnham.