First Interview With Siu Ding

Siu Ding agreed to be interviewed on January 10 in my small  apartment with view onto the grand city.  I try to understand people’s personalities by the way they go stand on my balcony and the awe they receive. Siu Ding immediately spent some time there and took a range of pictures with her polaroid… Continue reading First Interview With Siu Ding

Blue Lotus Gallery, Hong Kong, 14 feb

The Blue Lotus Gallery beckons you to crash their opening, sat feb 14, 3 pm-6pm: “Are you lonesome on this saturday afternoon? Do you have performance anxiety? Have you been in Hong Kong for too long? Do you want to get out? Do you worry about your penis size? Vaginal dryness? Relationship drought or depression?… Continue reading Blue Lotus Gallery, Hong Kong, 14 feb