Oyaji Uke

Detail from the Japanese BL fan comic Birthday Animal by Akou Susugu (Scanlated into English by Vices and Devices) In this story Tiger has a dildo-like tail (a birthday present from Bunny) which gives him sexual energy but also seems to have a life of its own. I produced a zine for the Parasite Exhibition… Continue reading Oyaji Uke

The Chinese Dream

  Together with Tatiana Bazzichelli and Francesco Palmieri I am organizing several panels for the forthcoming Transmediale Festival in Berlin from 29 january till 2 february in Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt whose theme this year is “afterglow.” One of the panels deals with artistic-sexual rebellion and censorship in the Chinese netsphere. The speakers for this… Continue reading The Chinese Dream

When our ancestors invented writing, ghosts wept in the night

  I am now researching stories in which scholars go on a journey of enlightenment, but get interrupted and pestered by a ghost who wants to have sex. Judith Zeitlin has written superbly about this phenomenon  in The Phantom Heroine: Ghosts and Gender in 17th Century Chinese Literature (University of Hawaii Press 2007). In her analysis, ghost… Continue reading When our ancestors invented writing, ghosts wept in the night

Peter Teffer blog: Bloot als politiek wapen in China

De foto’s staan als memory-kaartjes naast elkaar en zijn bepaald niet opwindend. Je ziet jong en oud, man en vrouw, met als enige gezamenlijk kenmerk: geen kleren aan. Ongeveer tweehonderd mensen, vooral Chinezen, hebben naaktfoto’s op internet geplaatst om de Chinese kunstenaar en activist Ai Weiwei te steunen. Boven de afbeeldingen staat ‘Luister, Chinese regering,… Continue reading Peter Teffer blog: Bloot als politiek wapen in China

Yay or Nay?

I have received lot of reactions on the Internet and in the media to my forthcoming book  People’s Pornography: Sex and Surveillance on the Chinese Internet. It will officially be released on 26 november and soon thereafter be available on amazon.com.  Meanwhile I have signed a contract with the Hong Kong  publisher  UP publications for a Chinese translation of the book.… Continue reading Yay or Nay?

How A Sex Scene is Implied in A Chinese Poem

  (Thanks to Carrie Yang for this finding cute sex poetry, for translating it into English, and for annotating it below. Happy christmas everyone and don’t forget to be bad. ) 月出煙盡琴簫冷 The moon rose, the smoke dissipated, the flute became cold 階前侯人唯杯影 I waited before the steps for the one with a glass and its shadows 且執木樨眠… Continue reading How A Sex Scene is Implied in A Chinese Poem

For the Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced.

(many thanks to Carrie for compiling and translating all these beautiful and poetic expressions) 胸部/乳房BREAST 波 ball (vulgar) 双峰(twin mountain) 咪咪 (mi mi) 奶子 (milk) 豪乳 (grand milk) 巨乳 (huge milk) 玉兔 (jade rabbit) 雪峰 (snowy mountain) 酥胸 (soft breast) 肉丘 (flesh hill) 肉峰 (flesh mountain) NIPPLE 乳头 红豆 (red bean) 红头 (red head)

HanHan and the Central Organ

All summer long I have been writing my new book People’s Pornography: Sex and Surveillance on the Chinese Internet for Intellect Books. Excerpts and foreplay will follow on this blog until I finally reach academic fame or downfall. In either case, I have been very fortunate to work with Carrie Yang who has helped me researching and scrutinizing Chinese bloggers… Continue reading HanHan and the Central Organ