How A Sex Scene is Implied in A Chinese Poem

  (Thanks to Carrie Yang for this finding cute sex poetry, for translating it into English, and for annotating it below. Happy christmas everyone and don’t forget to be bad. ) 月出煙盡琴簫冷 The moon rose, the smoke dissipated, the flute became cold 階前侯人唯杯影 I waited before the steps for the one with a glass and its shadows 且執木樨眠… Continue reading How A Sex Scene is Implied in A Chinese Poem

Sister Swallow Twitter Report (A Sneak Preview)

We have compiled and translated some interesting tweets by China’s famous sex blogger Liumangyan (Sister Swallow) You can follow her (in Chinese) on or visit her website A more thorough analysis of her exquisite dialogues and rants will follow in my book.  She is a hyper-active blogger who is brave, full of jouissance and to… Continue reading Sister Swallow Twitter Report (A Sneak Preview)

For the Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced.

(many thanks to Carrie for compiling and translating all these beautiful and poetic expressions) 胸部/乳房BREAST 波 ball (vulgar) 双峰(twin mountain) 咪咪 (mi mi) 奶子 (milk) 豪乳 (grand milk) 巨乳 (huge milk) 玉兔 (jade rabbit) 雪峰 (snowy mountain) 酥胸 (soft breast) 肉丘 (flesh hill) 肉峰 (flesh mountain) NIPPLE 乳头 红豆 (red bean) 红头 (red head)

Tai Hang Fire Dragon

Yesterday night the rain cleared and the fired dragon danced around  in the streets of old Tai Hang for many hours. People seemed very happy to carry the dragon (made of thousands of burning incense sticks) despite the unstable weather conditions earlier on. If you read about the history of the dragon below, you will understand why… Continue reading Tai Hang Fire Dragon

Glimpses of the Sex Diary of A Chinese Officer

Han Feng’s sex diary caused a lot of uproar in China. He is an official from the Guangxi tobacco monopoly bureau, who allegedly wrote daily diary entries describing his sexual involvement with many of his colleages, along with acts of receiving bribes. Then these entries started spreading on the internet. The disciplinary officials and the investigators were getting first-hand accounts of his misbehavior from these entries. Despite a year long attempt at cleansing by the censors in their urge to remove any pornographic data, these entries caused many stark reactions.

Here below are some of his journal entries from the year of 2007. I just wanted to give you a glimpse. Like Hanhan, I do not judge the tobacco chief for having sexual affairs. These kinds of private affairs should not be stolen or uploaded by third parties. At the same time these entries are an eye-opener indeed. Should they be banned or be squeezed back inside a pandora’s box? Let’s think positively. Let’s praise the tobacco chief for offering a poetic alternative to vulgar pornography, as well as thinking earnestly about his health. But if he is cutting one thing in his life, it should be alcohol rather than blow jobs.

(translated by Carrie Yang and further edited by KJ)

Sex Advice Given by Young Bloggers in China

It’s a lot of detailed advice at once, though it may only take ten minutes to put it into practice. And also, the SHE part usually comes before HE, except if you are with a men who ejaculates before you even touch him (They do exist). (Translated by Carrie Yang and edited by Katrien Jacobs)

Han Han's Magazine Arrives!

  The new Han Han magazine has arrived…. Although there’s not a single advertisment in the magazine, it is known as the most generous publication in China—paying  each of the authors 2000 RMB per 1000 words (as you can see from the picture above, that’s basically all of them). The magazine is a nice mixture of… Continue reading Han Han's Magazine Arrives!

HanHan and the Central Organ

All summer long I have been writing my new book People’s Pornography: Sex and Surveillance on the Chinese Internet for Intellect Books. Excerpts and foreplay will follow on this blog until I finally reach academic fame or downfall. In either case, I have been very fortunate to work with Carrie Yang who has helped me researching and scrutinizing Chinese bloggers… Continue reading HanHan and the Central Organ